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Expat guide for life in Port Moresby

Expat guide for life in Port Moresby

To an expatriate, life in Port Moresby is quite fascinating. Though not without few challenges, the city offers beautiful sceneries and deep, diverse cultures. One can view across the beautiful harbor and ocean due to the city’s hilly structure. The air is quite clean, and the sunset views are to behold. Warm, sympathetic locals welcome […]

18 Things to visit in PNG as an expat

18 Things to visit in PNG as an expat

Papua is a potential tourism hub still at growing stages. PNG presents a wide range of places to visit and things to do. Port Moresby Nature Park is an idyllic zoological park and botanical garden. It hosts over 150 animals including reptiles and kangaroos, native plants and 11,000 orchids. The challenging 96km Kokoda Track is […]

Top 10 qualities of a good expat worker in the Pacific

Top 10 qualities of a good expat worker in the Pacific

Expat workers in the Pacific have the best rewarding experiences in their lifetime. It is, however, crucial for one to possess skills and values that will allow him/her thrive in this new environment. An expat must be able to adapt to changes in the environmental conditions. Flexibility builds trust and a positive culture among colleagues. […]

Eateries, Restaurants & Hotels and Clubs & Bars in Port Moresby

Eateries, Restaurants & Hotels and Clubs & Bars in Port Moresby

Eateries, Restaurants & Hotels and Clubs & Bars in Moresby Port The list of restaurants, bars, and eateries in Port Moresby cannot be exhausted. However, all these mentioned below are reliable and offer good customer services. PNG coffee offered inside of Jacksons International Airport is quite famous which hosts a variety of great coffee options […]

PNG: Myths in buying property

PNG: Myths in buying property

Acquiring real estate property is one of the most massive investment decisions that one can make. It requires knowledge of real estate basics. There are many misunderstandings which often lead to significant losses usually incurred by buyers. This article outlines various myths involved in the real estate industry. Most buyers think that real estate agents […]

PNG Government willing to support investors in tourism development projects

PNG Government willing to support investors in tourism development projects

The tourism sector is a significant economic pillar for Papua New Guinea. Prime Minister Peter O’ Neil said that his administration is keen on developing the tourism industry. Significant investment steps have already been undertaken by the PNG government to develop the tourism industry. Prime Minister O’ Neil recently commented that there was a need […]

Papua New Guinea: Land reforms verses customary owned land

Papua New Guinea: Land reforms verses customary owned land

Land in Papua New Guinea has skyrocketed to higher prices than their equivalent value in Manhattan. The remaining 3 percent of the area is unaffordable to many with the rest 97 percent land being held under customary ownership. Papua’s land laws placed most of the land under customary titles just after attaining independence in 1975. […]

IFC on Gulf Province Transport Route impact study

IFC on Gulf Province Transport Route impact study

IFC on Gulf Province Transport Route impact study Papua New Guinea government plans to have routes for transporting gas and oil from fields in Western and Gulf Provinces is on course. Preliminary front-end design and engineering (pre-Feed) phase are on schedule and due to be completed in three months’ time. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) […]