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Settlers to own land and a home

Settlers to own land and a home

Nort-East Member and Minister for Urbanisation and housing, John Kaupa, and his executive director, Max Keo visited a site behind ATS to meet with Moiha clan leaders to discuss the development of the area. Mr. Kaupa said that the Moiha landowners’ clan will receive maximum benefit for resettlement and development in their area. The Minister […]

PNG looks to APEC and new energy developments to spur real estate market

PNG looks to APEC and new energy developments to spur real estate market

After a period of slow economy and rising costs, Papua New Guinea is expecting exciting changes in the residential property market for next year boosting both rentals and sales. Direct support from the government through investments in housing and infrastructure developments as well as indirect support through state spending to boost economy growth, will probably […]

Not so bright future for real estate

Not so bright future for real estate

Real estate Industries Association (REIA) president Mike Quinn said that the real estate industry will continue to decline in the market after APEC in 2018. This is because the supply for houses is bigger than the demand. He said that Port Moresby enjoyed some stimulating progress to the economy with the PNG LNG project with […]